CHANGES  2006/10/05 [without CTAN-ann]: 

copy of recent perpage.sty, changes of documentation 
concerning perpage.sty/longtable.sty in the text files 
and in ednotes.sty. 

CHANGES  for UNDERLYING lineno.sty v4.41  2005/11/02: 

1. Loadable after amsmath. 

2. Removed some nonsense from documentation. 

CHANGES for UNDERLYING lineno.sty v4.4  2005/10/27: 
[failed to be uploaded to CTAN]: 

1. Proper effective line depth at end of paragraphs. 
   The spacing bug was quite obvious in two-column mode 
   when a paragraph end was at a column bottom. 

2. Another bug concerning two-column mode that had been 
   introduced in v4.22 has been removed again. 

3. Support for \addvspace introduced more and more bugs 
   in versions of v4.32 and v4.33. The reasons seem to 
   be clear now, v4.4 should be stable, and the series 
   of bug reports seems to have stopped. 

CHANGES for UNDERLYING lineno.sty v4.32  2005/10/17: 
   (see lineno.pdf ...)

1. Support for \addvspace 
   (a math display or a list meets a heading -- or the like). 

2. Clearly explained former option `displaymath' and its change 
   to a default. 

CHANGES for ednotes.sty v1.2 and UNDERLYing lineno.sty v4.31 

1. ednotes.sty offers \PrecedeLevelWith for visually identifying 
   apparatuses (think of pages where only one of them appears) 
   or for controlling the shape of one or another 
   apparatus paragraph (maybe depending on apparatus). 
   (Requires manyfoot.sty v1.9!) 

2. lineno.sty offers \modulolinenumbers* and a package option 
   `modulo*' for printing first line number after interrupting 
   editor's text, regardless of the modulo. 

3. To prevent lemma code from working in the apparatus 
   (`fol...', e.g.), ednotes.sty now offers \notinnote 
   (replacing \notthislemma, now without `undefined c...'). 

4. Improved lineno.sty's explanation of \firstlinenumber and 
   package options. 

5. Supplied some hash mark doublings in advice for customizing 
   ednotes.sty . 

CHANGES for UNDERLYing lineno.sty v4.3 2005/04/28--05/16: 

1. Re-implemented modulo mode -- disabling certain users' tricks 
   see lineno.pdf sec. 5.5, also for a still supported 
   substituting trick. 

2. Option `displaymath' (proper numbering at paragraphs 
   containing math displays) becomes default. 

3. Compatibility with hyperref now indeed (at least much more). 

4. Documentation tidied up. 

5. Restored "global" version of numbering lines of a \parbox or 
   minipage or ..., explained in documentation (lineno.pdf/dvi 
   subsec. 7.2). 

6. Additional internal improvements that perhaps hardly are 
   observable (no more spurious linenumbers in math displays 
   from vertical mode; \flushbuttom with `twocolomnuns' and 
   `switch' etc.; some compatibity with packages that use 
   \holdinginserts; \linelabel in headings etc.). 

CHANGES for UNDERLYing lineno.sty v4.2 2005/04/26: 

1. Re-enabled package option `displaymath' (needed rearrangement 
   after lineno.pdf sec. 5). 

2. New package option `addpageno' for adding page numbers to 
   line number references -- see sec. 6.1 of lineno.pdf. 

3. Improved support for \includeonly (and improved lineno.pdf 
   sec. 5.3, p. 27). 

4. Please note problems with \marginpar, figures, and tables 
   which tameflts.sty deals with -- see ...: 

5. Improved compatibility with other packages that change \output 
   (tameflts.sty, e.g., for saving footnotes against \marginpar 
   and floats), added advice on this matter -- see lineno.pdf 
   sec. 2.3, pp. 7, 14f.


Due to my (ul) misconception of `nccfoots', unwanted footnote 
marks could occur. This is corrected with v1.12 . (Earlier 
today a package ennccptc.sty appeared, please remove it in case 
you have used it.)


This update is mainly concerned with 
1. the number of possible notes, 
2. page break oscillations, 
3. `array' and similar mathematical environments, and with 
4. a hopefully helpful error message; also with 
5. amendments of documentation. 


1. Reimplementation of `ednotes.sty' with version v1.1, vital 
   for huge editions ("commercial"/"professional" applications): 
   "compression" of note placement data, a single control string 
   instead of three per note stores them. So you can now make 
   three times as many notes as before, regarding the memory 
   compartment for multiletter control strings. -- One user 
   exhausted this by 10.000 notes on 450 pages (recent MiKTeX 
   installation). Now he can go on ... (These note placement 
   data are needed for references in the apparatus.) 


   (a) If you have customized or used \repeatref and/or 
   \linewithpage, please read what the section on `customizing' 
   of `ednotes.sty' tells concerning v1.1 (changes were 

   (b) In case you really use option `countoccurrences' of 
   `ednotes.sty', edcntwd0.sty needs to be updated to v0.31. 

2. A checking function has been added for finding startings 
   of page break oscillations. These typically must be fixed 
   for getting correct references to lemmas in the apparatus. 

   WARNING: You may recently have noticed `lblchng1.sty' and 
   what it tells about page break oscillations. With ednotes.sty 
   v1.1, `lblchng1.sty' v0.2 is no longer quite correct, please 
   notice v0.32 (if the problem interests or tortures you). 

3. The `edtable' option of `ednotes.sty' now supports math 
   environments like `array'. This requires updating edtable.sty 
   to v1.3. (The claim in previous versions of `edtable.sty' on 
   this support simply was wrong, sorry.) For how to make use of 
   this support, we urge you to read the usage instructions in 
   `edtable.sty' (v1.3). These have been extended very much, 
   structured more clearly, and supplied with examples. 

4. \linelabel now complains when appearing outside line 
   numbering mode. This may be useful when you have forgotten to 
   switch into line numbering mode and wonder why all notes 
   refer to line 1. If you don't know about \linelabel: Each 
   note uses it internally, therefore you may profit. 

5. The subsection on `edtable' in `lineno.sty/tex/pdf' and its 
   final list of user commands in lineno.sty/tex/pdf were not 
   quite correct or complete -- corrected or somewhat improved. 
   `ednotugb.pdf', which derives from a TUGboat article on the 
   subject, now briefly refers to the memory problem of 1. above 
   and amends the description of `edtable'. 


1. Thanks to Alexander Rozhenko, you now can download most 
recent "unpacked" versions of manyfoot.sty and nccfoots.sty 
-- no more generating procedure. 

2. The README.txt addresses indexing with line numbers. 

3. The original TUGboat article `tb77lueck.pdf' has been 
corrected and updated -- resulting in `ednotugb.pdf'. 

4. `ednotes.sty' and `ednotugb.pdf' refer to the `ellipsis' 
package concerning spacing with the ellipsis dots. 


You may find a file README4U.txt that is more detailed than the 
present one and that just addresses changes from 2004/08/23 to 
2004/10/19, especially for earlier users.]


1. Module files are now handled by new ednotes.sty options 
`edtable', `longtable', `nolongtablepatch', `edmacpara', 
`countoccurrences', and `mathnotes' (+ `perpage', new module)
--so they are no longer loaded by explicit \usepackage. 

   To support these package options, the following packages 
   were changed, at least concerning instructions. 

   So we recommend that you download these from 

   and overwrite the earlier versions with them! 
   -- And be sure to have manyfoot.sty v1.7! 
   (See README.txt for how to obtain it.)

   (mfparxsp.sty may even be deleted, see inside or 
   previous change described below. Using new option `perpage', 
   moreover, may require downloading and installing perpage.sty) 

lineno.sty climbs to version 4.1, ednotes.sty to 1.0. 

2. lineno.tex/pdf has been updated accordingly. A new interim 
version of a TUGboat article (tb77lueck.pdf, same ednotes 
directory) describes the bundle as it appears now. The final 
version of the article will be exhibited at the TUGboat web site. 


1. With lineno.sty version 4.00 (CTAN folder 
/macros/latex/contrib/lineno), linenox0.sty, linenox1.sty, and 
lnopatch.sty are obsolete. Don't load them any more! lineno.sty 
should produce a reminder for changing your related \usepackage 
commands. For a slight change of \firstlinenumber, see 

2. With manyfoot.sty version 1.7 (CTAN folder 
/macros/latex/contrib/ncctools), mfparxsp.sty is obsolete. 
Please replace \MFparaxbuffer by \ExtraParaSkip and don't load 
mfparxsp.sty any more. For your earlier documents, we offer a 
new version of mfparxsp.sty which just reminds you of the 
change and ("for this time") redirects your \MFparaxbuffer to 
Alex Rozhenko's \ExtraParaSkip. You may delete it right now--or 
when you are sure that you won't anymore compile a .tex 
containing \MFparaxbuffer and \usepackage{mfparaxbuffer}.