withr: Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State

A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and temporarily modified global state. Many of these functions were originally a part of the 'devtools' package, this provides a simple package with limited dependencies to provide access to these functions.

Version: 3.0.1
Depends: R (≥ 3.6.0)
Imports: graphics, grDevices
Suggests: callr, DBI, knitr, methods, rlang, rmarkdown (≥ 2.12), RSQLite, testthat (≥ 3.0.0)
Published: 2024-07-31
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.withr
Author: Jim Hester [aut], Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Kirill Müller [aut], Kevin Ushey [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut], Winston Chang [aut], Jennifer Bryan [ctb], Richard Cotton [ctb], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <lionel at posit.co>
BugReports: https://github.com/r-lib/withr/issues
License: MIT + file LICENSE
URL: https://withr.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/withr#readme
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: withr results


Reference manual: withr.pdf
Vignettes: Changing and restoring state (source, R code)


Package source: withr_3.0.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: withr_3.0.1.zip, r-release: withr_3.0.1.zip, r-oldrel: withr_3.0.1.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): withr_3.0.1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): withr_3.0.1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): withr_3.0.1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): withr_3.0.1.tgz
Old sources: withr archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: adproclus, amregtest, anyLib, ARUtools, asciicast, attachment, baguette, bambooHR, batchtools, bbw, biodb, biomartr, biplotEZ, bmm, boomer, box.linters, bundle, cancerscreening, caret, CDMConnector, celda, checkhelper, checkpoint, circacompare, citation, cleanepi, cliapp, cloudml, clusterMI, COTAN, covr, crosstalkr, cucumber, customiser, cyclocomp, CytoMDS, CytoPipeline, dataquieR, DBItest, dbplyr, decontX, decoupleR, DescTools, details, detrendr, devtools, dials, DisaggregateTS, DIscBIO, discrim, downlit, ebvcube, EcotoneFinder, edwards97, embed, EMJMCMC, epiCleanr, exampletestr, excursions, f1dataR, fake, fakir, fdacluster, fgeo.analyze, filesstrings, FindIT2, FLAMES, flashlight, fledge, flippant, flipr, flocker, fmesher, forecast, FourWayHMM, frscore, FSA, gargle, GDPuc, gDRstyle, GeoDiff, ggdist, ggfacto, ggforce, ggimage, ggplot2, ggraph, ggrepel, ggridges, ggstance, ghclass, gms, goodpractice, googleCloudRunner, googledrive, googlesheets4, gratia, GSODR, Herper, hfhub, HicAggR, historicalborrowlong, httr2, IceSat2R, ijtiff, indiedown, injurytools, inlabru, iraceplot, jagstargets, khisr, L1centrality, labNorm, learnr, logr, madrat, MAINT.Data, MatrixHMM, MatrixMixtures, metaumbrella, midi, mistyR, mixvlmc, mlflow, mlr3oml, mlr3pipelines, mlr3torch, mockr, monolix2rx, mrgsim.sa, multilevelmod, nandb, NanoMethViz, natmanager, nevada, nipnTK, odin, OmnipathR, opencage, OpenRepGrid.ic, oppr, orderly, ORFik, pakret, PanomiR, parsermd, parsnip, parzer, personalr, pins, pkgdown, pkgload, pkgmaker, PL94171, plotgardener, pmparser, ppsr, precommit, precrec, prioritizr, probably, prodigenr, proffer, profile, qgisprocess, qualtRics, racademyocean, raptr, raws.profile, rayrender, rayvertex, rcmdcheck, rdecision, RDHonest, recipes, RedisParam, reporter, reprex, ResultModelManager, reticulate, rextendr, RFishBC, Rgff, rgoogleads, rhino, Rigma, rirods, ropenblas, roxygen2, RPostgres, rsurveycto, RTTWebClient, rtweet, rWCVP, rytstat, sccore, seeker, selenider, SenTinMixt, sharp, shiny, shinylive, shinytest, shinytest2, singcar, singleCellTK, slackr, snpAIMeR, sparklyr, Spectran, splatter, sqltargets, ssdtools, SSN2, SSNbler, stacomiR, statsExpressions, styler, surveyvoi, susographql, syrup, tabnet, tarchetypes, tatoo, teal.logger, TestGenerator, testthat, text2speech, tfevents, themis, thinkr, tibblify, tidybayes, tidypaleo, tidyselect, torch, torchdatasets, torchvision, torchvisionlib, traudem, TSdisaggregation, tune, typetracer, usedthese, usethis, vetiver, vol2birdR, vprr, vroom, vsp, wdpar, webdriver, wither, workflowsets, worldfootballR, xpectr, yardstick, ymlthis
Reverse suggests: Achilles, adbcdrivermanager, adbi, admiraldev, adnuts, affiner, airnow, AllelicSeries, altdoc, amadeus, ami, anabel, and, AnVIL, anybadger, arrow, artpack, askgpt, assertions, auk, babelmixr2, baizer, bayestestR, bcdata, BCEA, bcmaps, bench, bigrquery, BiocManager, biodbKegg, biometryassist, bittermelon, blastula, bookdown, box.lsp, brmsmargins, bsicons, bslib, cabinets, callr, camcorder, canaper, cards, cardx, causalOT, CBNplot, cereal, chattr, chevron, chk, circle, cli, cliff, clock, cloudfs, codemetar, CohortAlgebra, CohortCharacteristics, CohortExplorer, CohortGenerator, collapse, cometr, CommonDataModel, condGEE, confcons, config, conflicted, conflr, congress, connectapi, connectwidgets, constructive, corrtable, coursekata, covtracer, cpmr, cpp11, cpp11armadillo, cpp11eigen, cranlike, crayon, crossmap, crosstable, crunch, crunchy, data.validator, DatabaseConnector, DataPackageR, datarobot, datasetjson, datawizard, datefixR, dbflobr, debugme, deduped, deeptime, depigner, desc, DiagrammeR, Dire, diseasystore, distill, dittodb, dm, dockerfiler, dotprofile, dplyr, duckdb, duckplyr, dunlin, eaf, easystats, ebirdst, EDCimport, EdSurvey, EGM, encryptr, envvar, epidatr, EpiNow2, epwshiftr, ergm, Eunomia, evaluate, excluder, extras, exuber, FaaSr, fakemake, fauxnaif, fdasrvf, FeatureExtraction, ffscrapr, fig, filebin, filecacher, flashr, flexsiteboard, flextable, fluxfinder, foghorn, forcats, formatters, foundry, fr, fracture, fs, FSelectorRcpp, furrr, fusen, fy, generics, GenoPop, geojsonio, ggdag, ggeffects, ggExtra, ggPMX, ggreveal, ggspatial, ggstatsplot, ggsurvfit, ggthemes, ggtibble, gh, gibasa, gips, gitcreds, gitdown, gitr, GLMMcosinor, glmSparseNet, glue, gmailr, gmoTree, golem, Goodreader, gptstudio, grafzahl, grattan, grattanInflators, greta, gt, gtsummary, guildai, GUTS, handwriter, hardhat, hdf5r.Extra, healthdb, here, hippie, hmstimer, htmltools, hutils, hutilscpp, hypothesis, iai, icecream, igraph, incidence2, incubate, insight, instantiate, IOHanalyzer, ipumsr, irace, IRdisplay, ISAnalytics, IsoriX, jetpack, joyn, JSmediation, jsonvalidate, JWileymisc, kanjistat, keras, keras3, keyring, knitrProgressBar, lambdr, languageserver, LATERmodel, lefser, lifecycle, lightr, lintr, liteq, lnmixsurv, logger, logrx, lorem, luz, lvmisc, maestro, magclass, mailmerge, makepipe, maraca, marginaleffects, mark, maskr, md4r, melt, meltr, meteospain, metricminer, MGMM, microbiomeMarker, MicrobiotaProcess, MicroMoB, miniCRAN, miniPCH, minSNPs, minty, MiscMetabar, mlr3fda, mlr3filters, mlr3spatiotempcv, mmrm, MOCHA, mockthat, MolgenisArmadillo, moocore, move2, mregions2, multidplyr, multilevelcoda, multinma, musicatk, namedropR, nanoarrow, nanoparquet, naryn, nestedmodels, NetLogoR, neuralGAM, nfl4th, nhppp, NHSRplotthedots, nlmixr2, nlmixr2est, nlmixr2extra, nlmixr2lib, nlmixr2plot, nodbi, nonmem2rx, nuts, occupationMeasurement, odbc, omopgenerics, OmopSketch, onetime, ooplah, options, oskeyring, osmextract, ottr, packager, pacs, pak, palettes, pandoc, parafac4microbiome, parameters, parsedate, parttime, PatientProfiles, paws.common, Pedixplorer, performance, petersenlab, PHEindicatormethods, PhilipsHue, PhIPData, piggyback, pillar, pkgbuild, pkgcache, pkgdepends, pkgnet, pkgsearch, PKNCA, plotly, plu, plume, polyMatrix, potools, pracpac, PracticalEquiDesign, precondition, predictNMB, prettycode, processx, progress, prompt, prqlr, prt, ps, PublicationBias, pysparklyr, quarto, quickPlot, r2dii.analysis, RAIDS, random.cdisc.data, rappdirs, RAQSAPI, rasciidoc, rbcb, rcompendium, rcrossref, RDP, readODS, readr, readwritesqlite, readxl, REDCapTidieR, redist, remotes, reproducible, Require, restatis, rfacts, rhub, ricu, riingo, rio, riskmetric, rlang, rlistings, rmapshaper, RMariaDB, rmarkdown, RNOmni, roahd, rosm, roxyglobals, rprojroot, rsample, rsconnect, rsi, RSQLite, rtables, rticles, rvertnet, rxode2, s3, santoku, saros, saros.base, sass, SCDB, SCpubr, scribe, SDMtune, secret, selenium, sessioninfo, sevenbridges2, shiny.emptystate, shiny.fluent, shiny.i18n, shiny.react, shiny.semantic, shiny.telemetry, shinymodels, SIAtools, SimNPH, sims, sinew, skimr, snvecR, SomaDataIO, SomaScan.db, sortable, SpaDES.core, SpaDES.tools, sparkxgb, sparsevctrs, spatialsample, squat, srcpkgs, srcr, sship, stacomirtools, StanHeaders, starsTileServer, stevedore, Surrogate, SurrogateRegression, survex, surveydata, survParamSim, svrep, swag, teal, teal.data, teal.modules.clinical, teal.slice, teal.widgets, Temporal, tensorflow, tern, tern.gee, tern.mmrm, terraTCGAdata, testex, tfruns, tglkmeans, thematic, tibble, tidyquery, tidysq, tidytlg, tidytreatment, tidytuesdayR, tikzDevice, tinkr, tor, Tplyr, TreatmentPatterns, TrialEmulation, trud, truncnormbayes, TSCI, tufte, updateme, utf8, vaultr, vcr, vctrs, vdiffr, vegawidget, VIM, waldo, waywiser, weatherOz, webfakes, WeMix, whoami, worcs, workflowr, xportr, ypr, zellkonverter, ZillowR, zip


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