htmlwidgets: HTML Widgets for R

A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various contexts including the R console, 'R Markdown' documents, and 'Shiny' web applications.

Version: 1.6.4
Imports: grDevices, htmltools (≥ 0.5.7), jsonlite (≥ 0.9.16), knitr (≥ 1.8), rmarkdown, yaml
Suggests: testthat
Enhances: shiny (≥ 1.1)
Published: 2023-12-06
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.htmlwidgets
Author: Ramnath Vaidyanathan [aut, cph], Yihui Xie [aut], JJ Allaire [aut], Joe Cheng [aut], Carson Sievert ORCID iD [aut, cre], Kenton Russell [aut, cph], Ellis Hughes [ctb], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Carson Sievert <carson at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: htmlwidgets results


Reference manual: htmlwidgets.pdf
Vignettes: Advanced


Package source: htmlwidgets_1.6.4.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): htmlwidgets_1.6.4.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): htmlwidgets_1.6.4.tgz, r-release (x86_64): htmlwidgets_1.6.4.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): htmlwidgets_1.6.4.tgz
Old sources: htmlwidgets archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: BiocPkgTools, cyjShiny, d3plus, d3po, dragulaR, imageviewer, widgetframe
Reverse imports: aceEditor, AirExposure, altair, amapro, amVennDiagram5, annotator, apexcharter, archeoViz, aweSOM, basictabler, bea.R, BIGL, billboarder, bioCancer, BiocHubsShiny, BioCircos, BioM2, bipl5, BlockmodelingGUI, boxly, bpmnR, bpmnVisualizationR, bscui, c3, CALANGO, canvasXpress, cellscape, chromoMap, clevRvis, clinDataReview, clinUtils, collapsibleTree, colourpicker, connectwidgets,, cppcheckR, CRISPRball, crisprShiny, ctrialsgov, cubeview, D3partitionR, d3Tree, data.validator, datacleanr, deckgl, DEploid, detourr, dextergui, DiagrammeR, diffr, diffviewer, discoveR, dsa, DT, dygraphs, EBImage, echarts4r, echarty, edgebundleR, EGSEA, EnrichIntersect, eoffice, excelR, faq, fastTopics, findInFiles, findInGit, flashCard, flexdashboard, flexsiteboard, flipdownWidgets, flourishcharts, flow, flowGraph, flowmapblue, focusedMDS, forecasteR, formattable, FORTLS, freewall, fusionchartsR, g3viz, gatom, GeneNetworkBuilder, ggiraph, Glimma, googletraffic, googleway, GPSeqClus, gptstudio, gradientPickerD3, graph3d, gt, GWalkR, gwavr, hchinamap, heatmaply, hicVennDiagram, highcharter, highlighter, howler, hpackedbubble, htmlTable, hwordcloud, hypothesis, ibmsunburst, iCellR, idcnrba, igvShiny, iheatmapr, interacCircos, InterCellar, JBrowseR, jshintr, jsTree, jsTreeR, klustR, LACE, langevitour, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, leafem, leaflegend, leaflet, leaflet.extras, leafpm, leafpop, leafsync, leaftime, learnr, lineupjs, listviewer, loadeR, MainExistingDatasets, manifestoR, manipulateWidget, mapboxer, mapdeck, mapedit, mapgl, mapscape, mapview, MatrixQCvis, MDMAPR, mdsr, mergenstudio, monaco, motifStack, msaR, MsQuality, ndtv, neptune, NestedMenu, netSEM, networkD3, NGLVieweR, nomnoml, oceanis, octad, omicsViewer, onemap, opera, packageDiff, packer, pagemap, pairsD3, parallelPlot, parcats, PELVIS, phenomis, phylocanvas, piano, picker, pivottabler, pixels, plainview, Plasmidprofiler, plotly, plotscaper, pmxcode, ppcSpatial, PRISMA2020, processanimateR, processmapR, profvis, Prostar, pylintR, QRAGadget, qtlcharts, r2d3, r3dmol, r3js, Racmacs, radarchart, RagGrid, RAINBOWR, rAmCharts, rAmCharts4, RchivalTag, reactable, reactablefmtr, recogito, rgl, rhandsontable, RiboCrypt, Rnvd3, robservable, roughnet, roughsf, rpivotTable, rtabulator, safetyCharts, safetyGraphics, sankeywheel, scanMiRApp, scatterD3, scatterPlotMatrix, SEAHORS, seasonalview, semantic.assets, sgraph, shiny.semantic, shinyaframe, shinybusy, shinyCohortBuilder, shinycroneditor, shinyCyJS, shinydlplot, shinyGizmo, shinyjqui, ShinyLink, shinyservicebot, shinytest, shinyTree, sigmajs, simlandr, sleeperapi, slickR, slideview, SMITIDvisu, sortable, sparkline, SPARTAAS, sRACIPE, ssd4mosaic, sunburstR, svgPanZoom, swipeR, systemPipeR, thorn, threejs, tidycharts, tidycwl, timescape, timevis, tippy, tmap, TnT, toastui, trackViewer, TreatmentPatterns, treespace, trelliscopejs, TT, twitterwidget, UnalR, UniprotR, upsetjs, vegalite, vegawidget, video, visachartR, ViSEAGO, visNetwork, Visualize.CRAN.Downloads, vizdraws, volcano3D, voronoiTreemap, vtree, vueR, vvshiny, waffle, webmap, wordcloud2
Reverse suggests: airGRteaching, arulesViz, asciicast, BeeBDC, bookdown, ciftiTools, cleanepi, cli, CNVScope, COTAN, data.tree, dataquieR, DataVisualizations, distill, dm, EML, finnsurveytext, flipr, gap, ggfacto, glottospace, googleAnalyticsR, hereR, Hmisc, HVT, HYPEtools, inldata, inlpubs, knitr, leaflet.esri, leaflet.extras2, lime, mlr3pipelines, muir, mwshiny, OmopViewer, pcutils, pkgdepends, pkgdown, plumber, Qindex, reactR, spatialHeatmap, spinifex, stringr, teal.modules.general, terra, TimeVizPro, uavRmp, ursa, VOSONDash
Reverse enhances: repr


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